I took my first breath in this world about 449,947,500
seconds after the Unix
Epoch at 48.500
degrees latitude and -2.753
degrees longitude in Brittany.
My childhood was spent between the sea and the forest, and I remain, more than
a gigasecond later when writing the first draft of this text, most at peace
when I am surrounded by nature.
At some point in my childhood, I discovered another world made of silicon and binary numbers, and it immediately clicked for me as I was typing my first commands in the console of a computer.
I made my first personal website for fun in the year 1998 of the Gregorian calendar at the age of 14 years old, and the first one for profit two years later.
Since then, the internet has grown bigger and a lot more complex, but I'm still pushing code to web servers. I earned a master's degree in computer science with a specialization in network engineering from the University of Rennes I, and developed a love for efficient and elegant code.
After graduating from university, I moved to Paris to work for Slate. I was thankful for the forest of Fontainebleau, which kept me sane during the weekends, and the rail network, which allowed me to explore the forests and mountains of Europe a few weeks every year. But that wasn't enough for me, I needed the presence of the wilderness in my daily life.
So I flew to the other side of the world and spent two years traveling around Aotearoa, Samoa, and Australia while working remotely on Reader. During this time, I explored some of the most stunning wilderness areas on the planet and met wonderful people living off the grid in sustainable communities.
This experience reinforced my belief that there are many things we can do today to fix the disconnect between ourselves and nature and take better care of our planet.
After that, I returned to Europe and worked for Paris for a year while I was looking for land next to one of the forests where I grew up. I finally settled down when I found it.
I am now rewilding half of that land and practicing permaculture on the rest while working remotely for tech companies. Before the pandemic, I was also involved in climate activism through nonviolent civil disobedience actions because protesting the current system and proposing alternatives go hand in hand.
I am currently available for remote work as a full-stack web developer. If you have an interesting and meaningful project in Ruby or Rust, I'd love to hear from you.