Reviewing September 2024


The first week of this month was spent wrapping up my work on CloudCheck, a project I've been contemplating since early 2023 to help small teams reduce cloud waste. The MVP and the landing page are complete, but I didn't succeed in finding enough people interested in trying the service or providing feedback.

I tried to work on customer discovery during the previous year, but a failure to make enough progress pushed the project to the back burner. Eventually, I decided to spend up to a month coding it anyway to see what would happen. I confirmed once again that "if you build it, they will come" is not true. However, the time spent on the project was not wasted. I got up to date with the latest Rails version and applied many product ideas I had learned over the past two years.

I found CloudCheck useful for monitoring my servers and reducing my cloud bills, so I'll keep using it and see where it goes. However, I won't invest more time working on it without user feedback.


After that, I switched back to MOROS, my hobby operating system written in Rust. In comparison, talking about it and finding people interested is much easier. I worked on many small features to improve it during the month:

I'm particularly happy about adding scrollback buffer support, allowing me to scroll up in the console and no longer be limited to what was last printed on the screen. Adding a search mode to the editor and some ed-like commands will also make me more productive inside the OS.

A number of PRs are related to process memory, and I made some progress in running more complex programs. Notably, my lunisolar calendar geodate does a lot of astronomical computations that tested the alloc and free syscalls. I had to introduce some workarounds to get everything running, and the result is not bug-free. I'll have to do it the right way later.

Finally I added a basic package manager called pkg to download files that are not bundled with the kernel image.

Tags: news,, moros