Releasing Little Wing 0.5.0

After a few weeks of work and 8 months since the last release of Little Wing, a chess engine written in Rust, the new version 0.5.0 is ready!

Most of the gain in strength (around 40 ELO) comes from a faster move generator implementing hyperbola quintessence. But the two most important features are Android support and an improved command line interface (CLI).




Tournament results

Here are the latest results of gauntlet tournaments with 40 moves in 60+0.6 seconds:

Rank Name                         Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws
   1 Dorpsgek Dillinger 1        2244   13   13  2695   72%  2061   12% 
   2 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  2200   12   12  2694   67%  2061   11% 
   3 Napoleon                    2101   12   12  2695   55%  2061   20% 
   4 Little Wing v0.5.0          2077    6    6 10548   54%  2044   14% 
   5 Cinnamon 2.0                2040   12   12  2690   47%  2061   18% 
   6 Little Wing v0.4.0          2033    8    8  6820   48%  2045   15% 
   7 Poor little Pinkus          1984   12   12  2693   40%  2061   13% 
   8 Sjaak II 1.4.1              1934   12   12  2694   34%  2061   16% 
   9 Sayuri 2018.05.23           1803   14   14  2695   20%  2061   10% 

And with 40 moves in 10+0.1 seconds:

Rank Name                         Elo    +    - games score oppo. draws
   1 Dorpsgek Dillinger 1        2293    4    4 32751   75%  2086   11% 
   2 RattateChess 1.0 Nosferatu  2200    4    4 32747   64%  2086   11% 
   3 Napoleon                    2118    3    3 32747   54%  2086   17% 
   4 Little Wing v0.5.0          2096    3    3 49716   52%  2078   12% 
   5 Little Wing v0.4.0          2048    4    4 27439   46%  2078   13% 
   6 Sjaak II 1.4.1              1950    4    4 32738   33%  2086   13% 
   7 Sayuri 2018.05.23           1832    4    4 32743   21%  2086    9%


Tags: news, littlewing, chess