
I've been thinking about two conlangs for years now, which I'll call L1 and L2:

This space-faring culture would live in large rotating space habitats, or in underground bases on Mercury, Mars, Luna, and Ganymede, but also on dirigibles above the clouds of Venus, in giant high-density areas around a few space elevators along the equator on Terra, and in a multitude of small villages along the coasts and rivers of its continents.

They will use spaceships to travel through space, but on Terra, they would also use sailboats and dirigibles. Most of Terra and many space habitats would be dedicated to preserving the wilderness after realizing that humans are just one species among all the others and that our main role is to be stewards of Terran life.

The culture will also preserve human knowledge by keeping alive the ancient wisdom from Stoicism, Buddhism, and other philosophical traditions that can guide us toward a more peaceful and sustainable life while helping us achieve a balance between high-tech and low-tech.


L1 is a simple conlang inspired by Toki Pona with a vocabulary sounding like some Polynesian languages (Samoan, Tahitian, Māori) with a touch of Celtic languages, perhaps the result of an imaginary encounter in the middle of an ocean from two sea-faring cultures at the opposite sides of the home planet.



Front Central Back
Close i u
Close-mid e o
Open a


Labial Alveolar Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
Plosive p t k
Fricative f s x h
Approximant l


In this language, words are formed by compounding root words.


I was tempted to have a VSO (verb-subject-object) word order for this language given its Polynesian and Celtic influence but I'm starting with a classic SVO (subject-verb-object) for simplicity.

A noun-phrase and a verb-phrase always have a modifiers-noun and modifier-verb order.


See here.


See here.


L2 is a more complex conlang inspired by Lojban with a vocabulary derived from major Indo-European languages that have been used as a common language at some point:



Front Central Back
Close i, ï u, ü
Close-mid e o
Open-mid ê ô
Open a, ä


Labial Alveolar Post-alveolar Velar Glottal
Nasal m n
.. Voiceless p t k
.. Voiced b d g
.. Voiceless f s c x h
.. Voiced v z j
.. Voiceless l
.. Voiced r